by muunankari
Posted on Monday, January 23, 2012 08:16 PM
Now, everytime the mentioning of the words a new world order many people shrug and believe that it is a conspiracy theory made up by some crazy people who have had their minds "brain washed" by the block buster movies of hollywood. Or they believe that people who believe in the existence of a luciferian secret society by the name freemanson and within the freemason their exists another secret society by the name illuminati.
Ok, let us stop there for a while and think? luciferian secret society? the existence of another secret society within another secret society? The story looks alittle bit far-fetched, right?
But the truth is, that yes, secret societies do exist. And this is my defination of a secret society; any group of people (club or organization), who, meet in undisclosed areas and their real motivies are not known to the rest of the public and their motivies are in most cases, illegal. We should also appreciated the fact that societies too, have their own secrets but that does not mean that they are secret society. Every body has a secret so does societies too.
Back to our topic of today. Do you realy believe in the secret creation of a New World Order? Where, there would be only one government that will rule the world? just like the days of the roman empire?
The creation of a new world order is gradual, they use stealth rather than force. The future of mankind is no longer visible, for we do not know what the new world order has in store for us.
The fear of the unknown is what we, as humans and citizens of this world should have. We should question every decision made by our leaders, be interested in the political activities of our countries rather than leaving it to the hands of a few people we consider our leaders. For it is them who carry out atrocities, are human rights violator and corrupt.
Let us take interest in what is happening around us, in political, social and economic environments. Let us seek knowledge, for its only when we learn that we are able to know exactly what is going on and to question.
Be smart, seek knwoledge and that which you dont understand, question it.
Read Moreby simonndunda
Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2012 11:21 PM
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by simonndunda
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2012 01:35 AM
I was in facebook and saw this viral post
Do you know your phone number has a name?!!!
Its amazing!!!
1. Take the last 3 digit of your mobile number,
e.g: if your mobile no is 0123456789 then take 789.
2. Write @+[789:0] in the comment.
Then exclude/omit + and enter the comment. See the magic!!!
Due to the way telephone numbers are generated, more than one person can have the same last 3 digits. Therefore claiming your unique phone number has it’s own name is non entirely true.
So how is this happening? Basically the number you provide corresponds to an actual user’s ID on Facebook. It is not limited to three characters either. The code you enter into the comment box is a Facebook short-hand code that converts an ID number into it’s corresponding name. If you were to enter the code @[4:0]
then this will present back ‘Mark Zuckerberg’ since he was the first ID to use the website (1-3 were used for testing I believe). By using just three digits you are picking a random Harvard student who were the first users of the social networking site. You can even check this by going to the following URL and replacing 123 with the number that you are using.
by simonndunda
Posted on Friday, January 06, 2012 12:44 AM
Things happen the way she wants and when they don't, she reminds us what guns are for, and that was the order when some guard insisted to do physical checks on her, when she was clearly a deputy CJ, before she could enter Village market.
Like anyone else to whom the ground bows on her presence would do, Lady Justice went back for her weapon of desctruction and threatened to wipe somebody's life off this world. That was quite a piece of drama, unfortunately, this is the Kenya of 21st century and the CJ himself has confirmed to us nobody is above law.
The lady will have a long weekend while the Judicial Service Commision plans to start investigation into the matter, with the possibility of dismissal if found to have behaved with gross misconduct. To pass time, she is sending text messages to the guard asking her for a forgiveness and a solution out of court and has at some point sent an emissary who actually took with her some shopping and tried to arbitrate the matter before journalists interrupted. The guard does not seem to be interested in the niceties and is for a court solution.
All I can can tell Lady Deputy CJ is, am actually impressed that she never pulled some drama during the nomination process for CJ, Deputy CJ and Chief Prosecutor.
Read Moreby simonndunda
Posted on Thursday, January 05, 2012 02:30 AM
Do you remember when you were in primary school and your standard 7 maths teacher would tell your age by having you do some simple arithmetic and tell him the answer, an answer which will be your age. Well, this was my case. My primary school maths teacher a Mr. Mutisya was a 'famous' mathematician at least in the school, he would solve mathematical problems mentally, without a pen, or chalk, and for standard 7 students, he had something special for them. He would be a magician and can tell their age by having take a random number, multiply it within another, substract another, add another divide another and the final answer would be your age. That was just marvelous and we kept wondering how he did it.
I had forgotten about it all until recently a friend of mine whom we were in the same standard 7 class forwarded me a mail whose subject was 'YOUR AGE BY CHOCOLATE MATHS'. It triggered the memories of my STD 7 teacher.
Here are the contents of the mail.
Don't tell me your age; you'd probably lie anyway-but the Hershey Man will know!
This is pretty neat.
It takes less than a minute ....
Work this out as you read ....
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)
2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)
3. Add 5
4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1760 ...
If you haven't, add 1759..
6... Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should have a three digit number
The first digit of this was your original number
(i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).
The next two numbers are
YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)
Chocolate Calculator.
I went through the mail and followed all the steps and to my surprise, i ended up with a three digit number, the first digit being the number of times i have chocolote per week and the rest being my age. This got me thinking seriously how it worked. It also triggered my STD 7 memories. Then i decided i was now 'big' enough to 'crack it'.
Here is my crack
To get my age, you need two things: my year of birth and the current year. Subtract the two numbers (birth year from current year) and there is my age. OOOOOOOH!. So this chocolate maths is not magic after all coz at some point I gave them my birth year and they assumed the current year is 2010 (Notice they say it will work in 2010 only). The whole of that calculation just Subtracts your birth year from 2010, the rest cancels out and evaluates to zero, OKaaaay!.
To prove my realization, i decided to formulate my own chocolate maths, a very simple version.
And here it is
Take the number of times you have chocolate per week (btw 1 and 7), now multiply it by
100, then add 2010, then subtract the year you were born. Then if you
have not yet had your birthday, subtract 1. There you are. The first
digit is the number of times you have chocolate, the second is your
So lets see how my simple version works before 'cracking' the real chocolate maths.
If your age is 21 and you have chocolate 3 times a week, then I want to give you 321 as an answer. If your age is 34 and you have chocolate 7 times a week, then the answer would be 734.
So i simply want to multiply the number of times you have chocolate a week by 100 and then add your age. But then you are not giving me your age but instead your birth year, I want to substract your birth year from 2010. So thats how my simple version works. The 1 year subtracted at the end is for those who have not had their birthdays this year yet. e.g if you were born in 1980 and have had your birthday (Assuming today is June 2010) then it was your 30th birthday, else you are still 29.
Lets go the chocolate maths now.
Assuming our subject has already had their birthday this year, then all the steps in the chocolate maths can be expressed in a single formular
((((n*2)+5)*50)+1760)-Year Of Birth
where n is desired number of times the subject to have chocolate per week
which can be alternatively expressed as
(n*2*50)+(5*50)+1760-Year Of Birth
after working out this formular, you realize that it evaluates to
(n*100)+2010-Year Of Birth
(100 is a result of the 2 * 50
while the 2010 is a result of the (5*50)+1760.
So I dont need to say more coz its now fully opened up. Hope you enjoyed reading and followed through.
In conclusion, real magic will not require you to use your year of birth coz it sells everything, and I dont believe in magic that's why i took time to do this.
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by simonndunda
Posted on Monday, January 02, 2012 05:00 AM is web service that allows you to not only share your images online without having to upload again and again, but also to view some of the most awesome, funny, cool, nameit images.
And for your information, tuwakenya does not host images and video, but you can link images from and embed videos from youtube.
The image below is linked is shared Tuwakenya does not have a copy of this.
by simonndunda
Posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 04:43 PM
... Or rather if Jesus lived today, it would be great, Imagine saying today 'God the son is in Palestine( or Israel)'. I would watch him on TV, am sure he would be in 'plenty' on CNN News and have a programme on Family TV. If i happen to go to Israel and meet him, there is a photo of Me and God the Son. I would take his phone number and email address. I would add him as my Facebook Friend, If we happen to be logged on facebook together, we will chat and crack a few jokes here and there.
Jesus is God and has power over Nature, Stopping Earthquakes, Tsunamis and droughts will just be a phone call away. With all those miracles happening, what heart is stubborn enough to still think there is no God, Heaven and Hell? Maybe we will all be saved righteous people.
Jesus will definitely have his own website and although he was born poor, am sure he will drive a good SUV or even a private Jet, not for the prestige but the convenience, the goal is to reach masses here.
We don't crucify people who heal the sick, feed the hungry and raise the dead and those that try to entertain that will be sent to the Hague. The west will issue a statement offering Jesus maximum security and threatening any 'Pilate' of making a misstep,the 'Barabbas' will be crucified. Jesus will remain with us.
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